Thursday, October 17, 2024

Official Announcement by Israel - Yahya Sinwar is Dead!

Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization who was responsible for planning and executing the October 7th Massacre, has been eliminated
The IDF and ISA confirm that after a year-long pursuit, yesterday (Wednesday), October 16, 2024, IDF soldiers from the Southern Command eliminated Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization, in an operation in the southern Gaza Strip. Yahya Sinwar planned and executed the October 7th Massacre, promoted his murderous ideology both before and during the war, and was responsible for the murder and abduction of many Israelis.

Yahya Sinwar was eliminated after hiding for the past year behind the civilian population of Gaza, both above and below ground in Hamas tunnels in the Gaza Strip. The dozens of operations carried out by the IDF and the ISA over the last year, and in recent weeks in the area where he was eliminated, restricted Yahya Sinwar’s operational movement as he was pursued by the forces and led to his elimination.

In recent weeks, IDF and ISA forces, under the command of the Southern Command, have been operating in the southern Gaza Strip, following IDF and ISA intelligence that indicated the suspected locations of senior members of Hamas. ​IDF soldiers of the 828th Brigade (Bislach) operating in the area identified and eliminated three terrorists. After completing the process of identifying the body, it can be confirmed that Yahya Sinwar was eliminated.

Historic Picture of Israeli Soldiers Carrying the Body of Jahya Sinwar


I don't want to post the picture of him dead, but here, the soldiers are carrying the body of Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas. Good riddance! God works miracles, and here is proof. Yahya was killed by accident, as he was trying to flee Gaza with a load of cash, and a fake passport. He was killed on the Philadelphi corridor, just as he was making his way to Egypt. This was no doubt, an act of God. 

Evolution is Stupid


Evolutionists believe two contradictory things about the same thing. They believe that everything is evolving, yet believe in species. If everything is in a constant state of evolving, you wouldn't have species. You would simply have all things in differing stages of evolution.

Economics for Dummies


If anyone tries to make economics more difficult than this, they're lying.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

My Thoughts on the Gap Theory, and Why I Disagree

After reading the book, "The Gap is Not a Theory," by Jack Langford, I ultimately came to disagree with his assessment. I partially agree, but there are areas where he is clearly wrong.
Mr. Langford says that in verse 1, God created not only the earth, but the sun and stars also. This is clearly not true. First, God inspired Moses to write:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2 NKJV)

Mr. Langford concludes that "the heavens and the earth" includes the stars, sun, etc. His evidence is that gravity exists, along with the matter that makes up the earth, and all governing principles that hold earth in place. Sure, I totally agree with the idea that all scientific principles needed to be fully functional in order for the earth to exist, but that does not mean that all of the celestial bodies needed to exist. In fact, that totally contradicts day four of creation.

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. (Genesis 1:14-19 NKJV)

To get around the wording of day four, Mr. Langford says day four is describing a recreation event. That is clearly not true. Before day four, there were no lights in the firmament of the heavens. God created the heavens and the earth, but He didn't populate the heavens until day four. In addition, the Bible clearly states that "God made two great lights." He didn't move already existing ones, or rekindle the fires, or ignite the flames, or anything of that nature.  The Bible explains why He created all these things as, "to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness." There is no way you can fit a recreation into that. They didn't exist before day four, and on day four, God brought them into existence.

I do agree that there is an unspecified amount of time between verse one and three.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. (Genesis 1:1-3 NKJV)

However, just because there is an unspecified amount of time after God created the heavens and the earth, doesn't mean that it had to be a long time, and it certainly doesn't mean that there were billions of years, or that the earth being without form and void means that there was some type of destruction event that took place for the earth to be in that condition. It simply means that God created the earth in the form of a mud ball and the heavens with nothing in them.

Another piece of evidence that Mr. Langford presents is 2 Cor 4:3-6:

But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus' sake. For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:3-6 NKJV)

He explains that these verses are a type of the regeneration of the child of God. The argument is that Paul uses Gen 1:3 as a type to explain salvation. God has given us the knowledge of what it feels like to experience seeing the light out of the darkness. Just as the world was in darkness before Gen 1:3, Christians are in darkness before our rebirth. Before we are saved, we are in a state of chaos, just as the world was before the creation events. And before our rebirth, there was a period of time where we lived in darkness, just as the world was dark and without void for some unspecified period of time. He also adds that Lucifer sinned and became dead to God before Adam sinned. He points out as well that Eze 28:13 says, "You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes Was prepared for you on the day you were created." And for some reason, which I don't understand, Mr. Langford says that "the earth had been designated as Lucifer's residence." I have no idea where he got that. Those verses don't say anything like that at all. Just because Lucifer was in Eden doesn't mean that the earth was designated for Lucifer. I honestly don't know where he came up with that. It doesn't even flow logically. Who cares if Lucifer was in the garden or not? Lucifer is on earth right now too. God clearly didn't create the earth for Lucifer. God created the earth for us. Mr. Langford argues that Adam never saw Lucifer decked out like Ezekiel said, so Lucifer was trying to regain his dominion over this earth. Again, I have no idea where he's getting this stuff. It's certainly not in the scripture.

God never explained the creation of the angels to us. We don't know much about them. We don't know when they were created, where they lived - other than in Heaven - and we don't know much about their capabilities. We know they can travel from Heaven to earth and back, and that they can take on physical bodies. We know they can possess people and animals and influence our minds. We know they can control the weather and that they have principalities on earth. But to inject into the scripture that the earth was designated for Lucifer is far-fetched at best. If we read the Bible literally, we see nothing of the sort. Our personal experience of wandering in the darkness before our rebirth shining light into that darkness in no way correlates to anything more than just that. We were in darkness before, and now are in the light. We can't read more into that. I can see that the analogy shows that before we were saved, we were under the dominion of Satan, and after, the dominion of God. But that does not mean that I was designated for Satan until I chose otherwise. I was simply without form and void until accepting Jesus. At that point, the light of creation began in my life. I am a new creation, and the rebirth didn't start until God said, "Let there be light" in my life. I don't see how Mr. Langford can make the connection that this analogy shows the earth was created, then destroyed, then recreated. That would mean that I was created, then destroyed, and upon accepting Jesus, I am recreated. That makes no sense. I was born into sin, just as the world was born without form and void. There was no cause to make the earth into that state, other than that's how God conjured it into existence. It's clearly recorded that way.

Now, it seems that there must be a reason why anyone would argue for an extended period of time between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:3, and it inevitably comes down to wanting to appease scientists. Science shows that the earth is older than what is recorded in the Bible. And depending on the year of the science book, they say the earth is somewhere between 7 and 18 billion years old. These gap theorists want to fit the Bible to science, so they come up with this gap of time between verses 1 & 3, and say that the creation event isn't really creation, but a recreation due to the destruction of the world by Lucifer. Well, that's a nice tale, but it isn't in the Bible. The creation events recorded in Gen 1 clearly say nothing of the sort, and they need to stuff this whole fall and recreation into this gap, thus extending the age of the earth to something that science can agree with. However, just as God created man older than a baby, I don't see any reason why God couldn't create the earth aged as well. Seems something easy for God to do in my opinion. I mean, He created all the stars, the sun, and the moon in one day, including making all the light from the stars shine on earth (isn't that millions or billions of light years? How did He do that in a day?). It took Him three days to mold the earth. And how did God cause the plants to grow on earth without the sun? In my opinion, and I mean this respectfully, God isn't big enough for those who argue for this gap theory. God is capable of anything when it comes to the physical world. If He can create all of this out of nothing (try to reason that out if you want your mind to melt), I'm sure He can create the earth showing signs of age. The gap theory seems more like pandering than an actual Biblical account.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Something to Think About - Satan the Light Bearer & the Gap Theory

This will probably be a jumbled mess because I am trying to get my thoughts down so I can examine this further. I am currently reading the book, "The Gap is Not a Theory" by Jack W. Langford and had a sudden thought when he quoted Gen 1:3-5. 

Genesis 1:3-5 (NKJV)
Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. 

In verse three, God created light. Now, there's a couple things that should come to everyone's mind here. First, Isaiah 45:18 says that God did not create the world void, but to be inhabited. Second, the earth was in complete darkness, which is why God had to create light. My thought was, "wasn't Satan the light bearer?"

Isaiah 14:12-14 (NKJV)
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’

Indeed, Satan is Lucifer, which means light bearer. This is just an initial thought, and would need to be more fleshed out, but it seems to make a connection between the fall of Satan and why the earth was in darkness in verse 3. Perhaps the earth's light was provided by Lucifer, and because of his fall, the earth was now in darkness. In the future, when the new heaven comes down to the new earth, it seems that the light situation will return to the way it possibly was if Satan was indeed the light bearer for the earth, except that light will be provided by God Himself. Revelation 21:23 (NKJV): "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light."

While these are just initial thoughts, I don't see any contradictions, or heresies here. Hmmm...

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Influencers are Dying Suddenly - Shocker!


Doctors are baffled... There couldn't have been something they were endorsing... right? Something the last few years that was forced on the world? Nothing I can think of.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Never Forget That the World Economic Forum (WEF) Simulated COVID in the Months Before the Plandemic

From the WEF website:

Geneva, Switzerland, 15 October 2019 – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will host Event 201: a high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response, in New York, USA, on Friday 18 October, 08.45 - 12.30 EDT.

The exercise will bring together business, government, security and public health leaders to address a hypothetical global pandemic scenario. It will also feature a live virtual experience from 08.50 – 12.30 EDT to engage stakeholders worldwide and members of the public in a meaningful conversation of difficult high-level policy choices that could arise in the midst of a severe pandemic.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Epidemic of "Clicky Throat" Spreads as Hydration Hits All-Time Low

 New York, NY — Health experts across the globe are sounding the alarm as a bizarre new epidemic known as Clicky Throat spreads through communities at an alarming rate. The condition, which causes an unsettling "click" sound when people speak, has baffled doctors, confused the public, and, most alarmingly, is entirely preventable.

The Culprit? A Global Refusal to Drink Water.

Over the last few years, a curious trend has emerged—people are drinking anything and everything except water. Sparkling sodas, caffeine-infused energy drinks, neon-colored "sports" beverages, caramel-drenched lattes, and even cotton candy-flavored milkshakes have become the hydration choice for millions. Water, once heralded as the most essential drink, has now become "too boring" for the masses.

As a result, the human throat has begun to rebel.

What is "Clicky Throat"?

The condition, first identified by ENT specialists late last year, is characterized by a distinct clicking noise that occurs when a person speaks. It begins as a subtle sound, but quickly escalates to the point where sufferers can't utter a single sentence without sounding like they're playing castanets.

"It's like having maracas in your throat," said Karen Dewdrop, a 34-year-old Clicky Throat sufferer. "I didn’t notice it at first, but then my voice sounded like a broken typewriter. I tried everything to fix it: more frappuccinos, vitamin water, even kombucha—but nothing worked!"

The condition is also accompanied by a range of other symptoms, including:

  • Throat Dryness: Despite drinking copious amounts of sugary and caffeinated beverages, the throat remains dry, causing a persistent scratchy feeling.
  • Voice Squeaks: Alongside the clicking, many patients report their voice randomly squeaks like a rusty door hinge.
  • Chronic Confusion: Many afflicted individuals simply can't understand why their throat isn't cooperating.

Doctors Baffled by Refusal to Drink Water

Medical experts have traced the root cause of the Clicky Throat epidemic to one glaring issue: dehydration. But the public remains in collective denial.

"People are shocked when we tell them they’re dehydrated," said Dr. Hydria Wells, head of the National Hydration Institute. "I can’t count the number of patients who’ve told me, ‘But I drink 10 sodas a day!’ They just don’t understand why their bodies aren’t properly hydrated when all they drink are sugary or caffeinated concoctions."

Studies show that sugary drinks and caffeine act as diuretics, which means they actively dehydrate the body rather than replenish fluids. Meanwhile, the body craves plain water, something the general public seems to have forgotten.

"I just thought water was for plants," said Jason Splurt, a self-proclaimed energy drink enthusiast who now suffers from Clicky Throat. "I don’t get it—if they can make sparkling energy drinks in every color of the rainbow, why hasn’t anyone made fun, colorful water?"

The Anti-Water Movement

Fueling the epidemic is the rise of the "Anti-Water Movement," a loosely organized group of influencers and celebrities who claim that water is "overrated" and promote alternative hydration methods such as kale-infused espresso shots and dehydrated coconut milk bubbles.

"#DownWithWater" has even become a trending hashtag, as millions of people across social media post their elaborate beverage concoctions and dismiss water as “basic” or “for amateurs.”

"I mean, water doesn’t even taste like anything!" said Tiffany Foam, an influencer with 2.3 million followers on her account “FrothyVibesOnly.” "Why would I drink that when I can have a cotton candy frappĂ© with edible glitter? Water’s just, like, so 2005."

A Nation Clicks In Unison

As Clicky Throat spreads, it's becoming harder to ignore. From classrooms to boardrooms, the sound of people clicking mid-sentence is becoming a common occurrence. Social gatherings are filled with awkward pauses as friends try to navigate conversations without sounding like they’ve swallowed a box of tic-tacs.

"At first, I thought my throat was haunted," confessed Ron Wheeze, who had his first Clicky Throat attack during a Zoom meeting. "But when everyone else in the call started clicking too, I realized it was something worse—our collective refusal to drink water."

Can the Epidemic Be Stopped?

Experts say the solution is simple: drink water. Despite this obvious fix, many Clicky Throat sufferers remain resistant, continuing to gulp down brightly colored "beverages" while remaining confused about their condition.

Health officials are now launching a global campaign to reintroduce the public to the concept of hydration, starting with the slogan: “Water: It Won’t Sparkle, But Neither Will Your Throat!”

Will the world listen before it’s too late? Or will humanity continue to click its way through conversations, forever plagued by its thirst for anything but the most basic necessity of life?

Only time—and a glass of water—will tell.

Link to article